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There are countless stories of heroism in New York following the World Trade Center bombings. Many of the people who escaped from the buildings helped others, such as the man who carried a disabled woman down 68 flights of stairs.... posted on Sep 20 2001, 428 reads


Our intention behind this daily e-mail has always been to bring inspiration and to help encourage each other in being good forces in the world. Our daily actions may be small, but they have a ripple effect. With anger in the world, there is a clear need to keep increasing the love in our actions, until the ripples reach every heart on this planet. Until that time, we can always do more. If you... posted on Sep 19 2001, 500 reads


In a famous series of experiments at the Menninger clinic in early 70s, a noted spiritual adept from India, Swami Rama, demonstrated the ability to raise his heartbeat at will from 70 to 300, rate far beyond the normal range.... posted on Sep 18 2001, 365 reads


Approximately 25 million American adults have enough hearing loss to qualify for disability payments. Yet certain Bushman tribes in Botswana and the Maabans of southern Sudan exhibit no significant hearing loss as they grow older.... posted on Sep 17 2001, 828 reads


Seventy-six percent of workers age 16 and older drove alone to get to their jobs, while about 11 percent carpooled.... posted on Sep 16 2001, 485 reads


The shortest complete sentence in the English language is, "I am."... posted on Sep 15 2001, 1,334 reads


More than 1 billion email messages are sent daily in the United States. 80% of email messages are responded to in 48 hours or less. Compare that to the six or eight weeks it takes to respond to traditional mail marketing.... posted on Sep 14 2001, 502 reads


Only 37% of youth report feeling a sense of personal power, and only half feel that their life has a purpose.... posted on Sep 13 2001, 610 reads


The lunar cycle and lunar phases are observable behaviorally and physiologically in numerous life forms. These effects occur in fish, shellfish, insects, mammals (including humans), and plants. For example, shellfish renew their shells, Guppy-fish have a color sensitivity on their back that is most responsive during Full Moon, etc. ... posted on Sep 12 2001, 454 reads


Each time you log-on to the Rainforest Jukebox [], the site's sponsors will purchase and preserve the equivalent of two square-feet of rainforest. The website, created by Australia's 20-year-old Rainforest Information Center, features more than 40 tracks of streaming audio by Midnight Oil, Cruel Sea, the Warumpi Band, and others. Lands being saved include several t... posted on Sep 11 2001, 576 reads


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Quote Bulletin

said the moon
and the new day came

Rupi Kaur

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